Hello and Welcome! My name is Tammy, I am 14 years old and have very recently started eating mostly raw food. It began when I was in the kitchen one day, cooking tacos for dinner. I started thinking about how many tacos I could eat without feeling too full or tired, but still feel satisfied. Thats when it hit me that cooked food doesnt make me feel good, and I started thinking about the websited of Raw Foodists my mom had showed me. It was then and there that I decided to go raw for one week, I told my mom and she was excited for me, and a couple minutes later she came up to me and told me she would do it with me! I was very excited at this point, and somewhere along the line we decided to do 21 days raw. I have realized that I have so much more energy and I feel really great! The 21 days is over and, as of now I am doing mostly raw. So this blog is all about sharing with you some of my favorite recipies, things I have learned along the way, and challenging you to Go Raw for 21 days. Read, Set, Raw!